Tuesday, February 06, 2007

That's a Wrap

Well things are finally calming down a little here. Sundance ended last week and the town is slowly recovering: pulling down posters, removing temporary theaters, and (sadly) returning buses to their slow, inconsistent schedule. Ah well, it's nice to be able to go out at night again. Life on the mountain is starting to pick up again, I worked every day last week (not a full day of work, but work none the less). A few other random bits that have been going on:

  • The 2007 Deaflympics started this weekend at Park City Mountain Resort. It makes sitting on the chair lifts a little more enjoyable; you get to watch slalom races, half-pipe competitions, etc as you ride back up the mountain. But the entire event is (predictably, I suppose) extremely quiet. As a skier races down the mountain you'll see a crowd of 50 fans throwing their hands in the air, waving flags and jumping all over the place. But they don't make a sound. It's kind of cool to watch, actually; they're much more animated when they cheer. Also, ski and snowboarding terms in sign language are very self explanatory, it's cool to see two deaf snowboarders talk about a ride they just took through the half-pipe.

  • Our cold snap has officially ended; we're now suffering though the warmest weather of the season. 45 degree weather and a low snow base don't go well together. It feels like spring skiing, except it's the beginning of February. I'm starting to get worried that they'll have to end the season early this year.

  • I've had a couple of friends in from Seattle for the last couple of weeks. It's been great to have some company around here, but three guys sharing a hotel room make for some cramped living conditions. After much debate, I ended up sharing my bed with Mike (with a solid blanket and pillow divider between us, of course). Unfortunately, I also discovered that Mike is a pretty strong snorer. Many nights turned into a struggle of wills between his snores and my ability to shut him up with well placed pillows. I woke up one morning and saw the results of a long night. Sadly he was still asleep and still snoring. I'm not sure how he pulled it off.

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